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文章來(lái)源:廊坊市順祺印刷有限公司    發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-03-11 18:44:15

Packaging Box Printing: A Guide to Abbreviations

Packaging box printing is an important part of the product packaging process. It is important to understand the abbreviations used in the printing process to ensure that the product is printed correctly. This guide will provide an overview of the most common abbreviations used in packaging box printing.

The first abbreviation to be aware of is PMS. This stands for Pantone Matching System and is used to match colors in the printing process. PMS is a standardized color system that is used to ensure that the colors used in the printing process are consistent.

The next abbreviation to be aware of is CMYK. This stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black and is used to create a full-color image. CMYK is a subtractive color system, meaning that the colors are created by subtracting light from the white background.

The next abbreviation to be aware of is GSM. This stands for grams per square meter and is used to measure the weight of the paper used in the printing process. GSM is important to ensure that the paper used is of the correct weight and thickness for the printing process.

The next abbreviation to be aware of is UV. This stands for ultraviolet and is used to protect the printed image from fading. UV is used to coat the printed image with a protective layer that prevents the image from fading over time.

Finally, the last abbreviation to be aware of is AQ. This stands for aqueous coating and is used to protect the printed image from scratches and other damage. AQ is used to coat the printed image with a protective layer that prevents the image from being scratched or damaged.

These are the most common abbreviations used in packaging box printing. Understanding these abbreviations is important to ensure that the product is printed correctly and that the colors and images used are of the highest quality.

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